About Us

Launched in 2023, Amaz is a dedicated marketplace e-commerce business that sells a wide range of goods, including cosmetics, electronics, home appliances, computer accessories, health & beauty items, watches, and jewelry. Amaz prioritizes client happiness and great customer service to ensure that consumers in Bangladesh have hassle-free goods delivery to the place closest to them. Customers may also order our items via bKash, Nagad, aamarPay as well as Cash on Delivery and free returns and prompt refunds. To keep informed about our most recent promotions, campaigns, and events, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


Our primary concern is providing you with the finest possible customer service.


The goal of amaz.com.bd is to provide you with the finest possible online shopping experience on a daily basis. Every day, our customer-focused staff strives to provide you the greatest items and guarantee a seamless digital shopping experience. Imagine the difficulties you have while purchasing online. We are here to solve them all in order to build e-commerce confidence and experience across the country for a brighter tomorrow.


Our Principles


 Entire the country Coverage for an outdoor retail center

 The portal offers a wide range of the top domestic and international brands, so you can find everything you need there.

 The fastest Shipping Service, outside of Dhaka, 01 to 05 days

 Easy and Free Returns for 7 Days, Place Orders Without Hesitation

 100% Customer Protection Policy means you may choose us with confidence.

 Regular Brand Warranty Facility, we'll always be here for your after the sale needs.


Get the finest possible customer service. We are active 24/7 days.


Our first aim is to satisfy our customers. We offer customer care support around-the-clock to get you connected.


Phone number for customer service: +8802 41062511-13 available around-the-clock.

We may be reached by email at support@amaz.com.bd, and we will do so as soon as possible.

Facebook Messenger on our Page or through Facebook chat.

After every single delivery is complete, we receive calls for feedback from our clients.


Fast Delivery


Since we are aware of how essential your products are, we work tirelessly to get them to you as quickly as possible and in excellent shape.


 All over Bangladesh coverage delivery facility.

 The closest free office pickup and warehouse collection facility.

 Upcoming Amaz Express Delivery System


Easy Return & Refund Process


Our customer protection policy is made for you!


We care about your experience with us! If you have any issues with our product, you can return to us intact and fully free! Your refund requests are never delayed for no reason, rather we instantly process them for your quick receive.


 We accept returns from anywhere.

 We pay your courier charges back!

 Refunds are processed instantly from our end, so the accounts/payment gateway/bank system delay won’t be long for you!


Trade License: TRAD/DSCC/032331/2022

TIN Number: 585774613031

BIN Number: 005563245-0402

Registered Office: House: 11, Road: 05, Level: 06, Unit: 6-B, Suvastu Ittehad Square, Dhaka-1205.